Computer Workshop:


PC Assembly

"Build your own PC with ease! Our PC Assembly game helps you learn all about computer parts and how they fit together. Just drag and drop each part into place and watch your custom PC come to life—it’s fun and easy!"
Write your awesome label here.

Computer Workshop:


PC Assembly

"Build your own PC with ease! Our PC Assembly game helps you learn all about computer parts and how they fit together. Just drag and drop each part into place and watch your custom PC come to life—it’s fun and easy!"
Write your awesome label here.

How to play

Objective: Learn the basic parts of a computer and where each part goes!

Step 1:

Write your awesome label here.
You will be given an unconstructed PC tower for you to assemble. 

Step 2:

Write your awesome label here.
Each time you click on a component, you will see a description of its purposes. 

Step 3:

Write your awesome label here.
Simply click and drag the components back to their place before the time runs out.

Step 4:

Write your awesome label here.
Once you completed, you will see your overall score and highest score recorded. 
Still confused?
Write your awesome label here.


Objective: Learn the basic parts of a computer and where each part goes!

Create a FREE account to play

Explore the world of computers by enrolling in the course below!

Got any feedback?

Write your awesome label here.

Scan the QR Code
OR Click Here

Was this game made in house?

Of course, our interns are the one making this game. EVERY. SINGLE. ELEMENTS

Is there a way to improve the game?

Absolutely, you can use the QR code or click the link on the left here. Our game dev team will get that feedback and implement the changes if it aligns with our game vision as well.

Where can I find out more about these things?

You are more than welcome to look around our website to find something that suit your taste. OR you can come see us at one of the events we are organizing via Events tab.